Place the fan on top so that it blows air down into the square you just made and secure it with tape. Tape all of them together in this shape, making sure to not cover the actual filter bits with tape. Choose from four missions: searching a 1960s-era CIA safe house for a bomb, breaking into a master thief’s vault. To construct it, place each filter on its end at a right angle to its neighbor so that all four form a square with the arrow indicators on each filter facing inward. At 4,100 square feet, Clue Chase’s facilities are among the largest in the city. Tape: The duct variety is always a winner, blue painters tape will also do well. They’ll even separate out bacteria and viruses if you spring for the higher grade materials. These are standardized measures of filter efficiency and indicate that the products can effectively strain 2.5um smoke particles from the ambient air. That way everything fits together evenly and you won’t have weird gaps between the panels.įour AC air filters rated either MERV 13-16 or MPR 1200-2800. One box fan: Doesn’t matter how big, doesn’t matter how old, doesn’t matter how cheap, just make sure that the side lengths of the fan equal the lengths of the filters, so if you have a 20-inch box fan, get 20-inch filters as well. You’ll need three things for this project: Sure, you could blow a couple hundred bucks on some model - or you could get together some duct tape, a box fan and some good old American Ingenuity™ to build one of your own. Goggles too if you have them fine particulate matter is murder on sensitive eyes. That’s good, you’re going to need those skills – and any N95s you've still got tucked away – if you set foot outside for the next few days. Players work separately and there is no fun penalty if you don’t escape. Luckily, and I mean that in the most relative sense of the word, we’re coming off the peak of a global pandemic spread through aerosolized exhalations, so New York is already well versed in the practice of masking while in public. Escape rooms are themed, and very puzzle intensive. It’s not so great even if your lungs work just fine. That haze is a health hazard, especially to anyone dealing with respiratory disease, asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes, is elderly or an infant.

Go beyond the headsets into a whole new virtual world. New York on Wednesday ranked as having the second worst air quality on Earth behind Delhi. Escape Virtuality offers New York’s most exhilarating VR experiences and Escape Room. Eerily reminiscent of what the west coast endured in 2020, the skies above New York City this week have turned a hazy orange, setting air quality index scores soaring across the five boroughs. The east coast, and New York in particular, is receiving an unwelcome taste (and scent) of the climate crisis to come, as smoke from massive Canadian wildfires billow out toward the Atlantic Ocean.